Morning and Evening SupplicationsBy yusufquran / July 17, 2022 Some Gifts for our brothers and sisters in Islam As in the previous blog we discuss the Importance of Daily supplications of Morning and Evening So this time Team YIQA Yusuf international Academy have made not just one or two, they prepare three gifts for you allA Printable Pdf of Dua Booklet, a small booklet that can be printed in any size so you can carry them, use them anywhere any timeA pack of zip compressed file containing all the Supplications individually as a reminder for yourselfSome individual files of Images so you can use them as Mobile wallpapers on your phone as a reminder for those who don’t want the whole pack A Printable Pdf of Dua Booklet Download Here [Download not found] Pack of All Reminder Images Click Here [Download not found] Reminder Wallpapers